S.A.C.K – Simple Acts of Care and Kindness

World Kindness Youth Conference

World Kindness Youth Conference

This day long event, first held in 2004, uses seminars and activities to help students learn the many areas of life into which care and kindness can be inserted. Seminars and discussion groups dealing with bullying and other relationship topics fill the morning. After lunch, students visit exhibitors who have come with messages about care and kindness for themselves (staying health with good food and physical activity), their family (anger management, safety, emergency procedures at home), their community (programs for the developmentally disabled, helping keep parks clean and green…), and their world (recycling, planting trees…) This program is particularly suitable for involving your school district and can be used as field trip related to your character education program.

If you have any questions regarding the World Kindness Youth Conference, please call us toll free at (714) 473-7887 or e-mail us at careandkindness@aol.com.